
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Cyborg botany : augmented plants as sensors, displays and actuators
Harpreet Sareen
2nd Author
3rd Author
Media Arts and Sciences
Number of Pages
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Thesis Supervisor
Prof. Pattie Maes
Supervisor e-mail
pattie AT
Other Supervisor(s)
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
MIT Media Lab
Languages Familiar to Author
URL where full thesis can be found
cyborg, plants, technology, cybernetics, electronics
Abstract: 200-500 words
Plants are photosynthetic eukaryotes with a billion years of evolutionary history. While primarily sessile, they have developed distinctive abilities to adapt to the environment. They are self-powered, self-fabricating, self-regenerating and active signal networks. They carry highly advanced systems to sense and respond to the environment. We strive for such sensing and responses in our electronics; self growing or self repairing abilities in our architecture; and being sustainable at scale in general. The industrial and technological thought process has mostly been devising artificial means or replicating natural systems synthetically. However, I propose a convergent view of technological evolution with our ecology where techno-plant hybrids are created. The approach is to formulate symbiotic associations and to place the technology in conjunction with the plant function(s). In this thesis, I go from the outside to inside the plants in conceiving such synergetic processes and present case studies of their implementation and analysis. I begin with a robot-plant hybrid where the robotic device adds mobility and is triggered with the plant's own signals. Next, lead (II) detection nanosensors are presented which reside inside the leaf of a plant and continuously sample through plant hydraulics. This is followed with a design study for plants with new conductive channels grown inside them and their subsequent use as inconspicuous motion sensors. I conclude with a symbiotic robot that lives on a sunflower plant and automatically trains or directs its growth with onboard lighting. The end result is an augmented-plant society where technology adds non-native functions or redirects the natural processes.