
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Interconnection, Relation, Imagination. Interactive art for a sustainable future
Alessia Gervasone
2nd Author
3rd Author
Master degree in Communication and Valorisation of Contemporary Art
Number of Pages
Albertina Academy of Fine Art, Turin (Italy)
Thesis Supervisor
Balzola Andrea
Supervisor e-mail
andrea.balzola AT
Other Supervisor(s)
Cristina Giudice
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
New Media Art
Languages Familiar to Author
english, spanish, french
URL where full thesis can be found
interconnection, Interactivity, Sustainability, Science, New Media Art, Experience, education, global crisis
Abstract: 200-500 words
Nowadays climate change and the environmental crisis have a disastrous impact on our society, planet health, and other living beings. To understand the problem and to be able to deal with it, a big effort of imagination is essential, aimed at rewriting the basis of the society and at designing positively the future of the planet that hosts us. Within this framework, artistic research connected with interactive technologies can assume an important educational and awareness role. Following an esthetical and philosophical line, this research is divided into three sections: Change of Route, The role of the Art, The Interactive Art, and the Ecological Crisis. In “Change of Route” the birth of anthropocentric thinking and its overcoming towards a more ecocentric attitude in balance with the ecosystem is analyzed. The thought of three philosophers - Guattari, Bateson, and the posthuman of Pepperell and Braidotti - is examined who, although in a different way, are united by the desire to re-establish an interconnection among the human being, other living species and the world. My research approach has been moved by two key questions about the role of art in the current climate crisis: how can we imagine different futures and alternative solutions useful to face the current environmental crisis? Considering the interconnection as a key quality and due to the undeniable development of technology, which art form allows us to connect with each other and with the environment and to develop imagination and creativity? In "The role of art", the birth of the interactive art is illustrated, highlighting the active role of the viewers. This art form, using technology as an artistic language, through a participatory and interactive approach, allows the creation of shared experiences, where viewers may interact with other subjects and with the environment. Experience is one of the main features to develop our imagination, which in turn is an essential function to conceive real and future eco-sustainable solutions. Through the thought of the philosopher Dewey, the important role of direct experience is highlighted, a key feature through which human beings can acquire awareness and knowledge. Thus, the essential aspect of education intrinsic to interactive art emerges, which is also at the basis of the theories of "learning by doing" and of the Education for Sustainable Development. Therefore, the experiential dimension, lived thanks to interactive art, provides the stimuli necessary to feed our imagination, sensitivity, and creativity as stated by Montani. The last chapter starts from the positive analysis that results from the collaboration between the artistic and the scientific world; through artistic examples, significant issues concerning environmental sustainability are addressed, such as the protection of the oceans, melting of ices, an increase of CO2, political-climatic migrations, and extinction of living species. Finally, it is possible to highlight how interactive art assumes an important educational and ethical role in this global moment, given by its ability to interconnect, sensitize and empower us; by developing our critical spirit, it is able to transform us into active subjects towards the change.