
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Towards a Poetics of Interaction. Design, Code, Plot
Martin Pablo Groisman
2nd Author
3rd Author
Number of Pages
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Thesis Supervisor
Dr. Oscar Traversa
Supervisor e-mail
otraversa AT
Other Supervisor(s)
Dr. Mariana Salgado
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
Architecture + Design+ Media Art
Languages Familiar to Author
Spanish,Portuguese, English
URL where full thesis can be found
Design, Interactive, Immersive, Storytelling
Abstract: 200-500 words
This research studies the narrative in interactive media, a story-building system as a result of numerical code writing. Automatic information processing promotes new ways of storytelling giving rise to the emergence of new narrative that combines and reforms convencional systems. Machado defines interactive media art as a potential art where “instead of having one finished `work´, you only have its elements and exchange rules defined by a combinatorial algorithm” (Machado, 1996:16). This is the main point of the research that enquires how narrative strategies are modified with the intervention of artificial operations, creating an ever open and alternative story. This potential narrative system works as a living organism, an artificial entity that interacts with the user according to a preset program. The programming language is based on sequentiality, the ability of processing a number of orders through algorithms. Programmable scripts allow the creation of new digital representation spaces: virtual worlds, places where action, games, fantasy and illusion realises between real and virtual, creating the interactive drama experience. Immersion in virtual worlds enables the experience of moving into complex fictional locations that can be explored and even modified by the user. According to Murray, “the interactor´s navigation of virtual space has been shaped into a dramatic enactment of the plot” (1999: 94). This states one of the issues to be solved when designing an interactive story: the plot is built through users navigation in a constantly changing space.