
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Extending the Museum. The Exhibition Visitor as a Cultural Producer
Giulia Cordin
2nd Author
3rd Author
Number of Pages
UFG Linz
Thesis Supervisor
Christa Sommerer
Supervisor e-mail
Christa.Sommerer AT
Other Supervisor(s)
Stephan Schmidt-Wullfen
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
Interface Culture
Languages Familiar to Author
Italian, English, German
URL where full thesis can be found
display, visitor, museum, exhibition, digitalization
Abstract: 200-500 words
Tony Bennett (1988) describes the 19th century world exhibition as “exhibitionary complex”, defined by the organization of space, the exhibited objects and the gaze of the visitors. He also observes the way in which it involved both the lower and middle classes in new relations of power and knowledge, and offered them tools for self-regulation and the possibility of becoming a ‘subject of knowledge’. Drawing on Bennett’s diagnosis, a closer examination of the interactive visitors’ engagement in the exhibition space appears crucial, especially with regards to the recent transformation in the tools of knowledge production provided by digitization. Studies on museum visitor behaviour suggest, that it has rapidly changed over the past three decades. Instead of following the explanations offered by the curator, the narration of the exhibition is negotiated: Emotional and atmospheric components dominate cognitive ones. Taking cultural production as a specific domain of identity construction, it suggests that the traditional linear path through the exhibition has dissolved into a network which allows every visitor to follow his/her own interests. The recipient turned into a producer of meaning.