
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Computer-animated scientific visualizations of tomographic scanned microscopic organic entities
Martina R. Fröschl
2nd Author
3rd Author
Number of Pages
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Thesis Supervisor
emer. o.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Alfred Vendl
Supervisor e-mail
alfred.vendl AT
Other Supervisor(s)
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Jürgen Hagler
Language(s) of Thesis
English, German Abstract
Department / Discipline
Scientific Visualization
Languages Familiar to Author
German, English
URL where full thesis can be found
computer animation, scientific visualization, microscopic, organic, entities, tomography, 3D data
Abstract: 200-500 words
In this thesis, unique techniques for creating scientific visualizations of microscopic entities are presented. The investigated cases are outstanding for the field of scientific visualization as well as for computer animation. Computer animation usually does not include tomographic scanned 3D models, while in scientific visualization it is exceptionally rare to edit every model individually and animate using rigged character computer animation configurations. Therefore, it was an open question whether the newly introduced time and resource consuming workflows generated sufficient value to justify the effort. Firstly, technical and theoretical problems concerning the subject matter were addressed in a general pipeline description and subsequently investigated with the analysis of three case studies. The projects Two mite gaits, CRISPR/Cas9-NHEJ: Action in the nucleus, and Noise aquarium form a basis to discuss and scrutinize the reasonableness of the practices introduced. It was found that the presented pipeline steps support important aspects of three-dimensional, visual, and time-dependent thinking. The individual project results are of mind-expanding additional value in a visually oriented society. Furthermore, the extra processing adds highly appreciated authenticity to computer animations involving scientific topics and therefore encourages future investigations and projects within the suggested subfield of computer-animated scientific visualizations.