
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Mediated Visualities: Architectural Representation and the Digitized Body
George Themistokleous
2nd Author
3rd Author
Number of Pages
Leeds Beckett University
Thesis Supervisor
Doreen Bernath
Supervisor e-mail
d.bernath AT
Other Supervisor(s)
Lisa Stansbie, Teresa Stoppani
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
Languages Familiar to Author
English, Greek
URL where full thesis can be found
vision, digital, body, stereoscopy, prosthetic
Abstract: 200-500 words
This thesis attempts to question the role of architectural representation after the digitization of bodies and spaces. The established visuality in architecture from the past has been usurped by the new mediated and intertwined visualities of body, machine and space of today. The hegemonic representational system of linear perspective and the monocular space that it produces are revisited and revised in this thesis in order to mark them obsolete and propose a new framework to describe and create architecture in today’s hyper-mediated environments. Through a critical combination of theoretical and practice-based investigations, the thesis starts by interrogating the history of photographic, cinematic and stereoscopic images, which form the basis of subsequent examinations of their hybridization in current digital processes, assemblies and implications in the new mediated visuality. Diplorasis, an analog-digital media installation of my own making, translates theoretical enquiries into actual, corporeal, visual and sensory experiences to show how new constellations of visual technologies and emerging digital media are affecting the sensory-cognitive body, its multi-presences and spaces they occupy. The thesis further demonstrates how new representational formats are becoming increasingly inhabitable and immersive, challenging the boundaries between the established object-subject relation in representation, and representation itself. Emerging architectures of such contemporary mediated visualities are increasingly positioned within multiple intervals, i.e. between oscillating actualities and virtualites. The contemporary subject is simultaneous positioned within disparate intervals through telepresence, and a-synchronicity of multiple, incommensurable times, and between multiple selves and self-images through autoscopy. The co-habitation of synthetic and actual environments perceptually de-habituates the subject and dislocates the body-image from the body. The new architectural modus operandi must digitally stitch and prostheticize vision in order to deal with these emerging conditions. These speculative mediated visualities inform the new e-topia that marks the end of the image and propels architecture to new modes of operation.