
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Arte y precariedad. Nociones. Preceptos. Apegos. Contextos. Experiencias / Art and precariousness. Notions. Precepts. Bents. Contexts. Experiences.
Arturo Cancio Ferruz
2nd Author
3rd Author
Ph. D.
Number of Pages
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Thesis Supervisor
Concepción Elorza ibáñez de Gauna
Supervisor e-mail
mconcepcion.elorza AT
Other Supervisor(s)
Language(s) of Thesis
Spanish and English
Department / Discipline
Department of Art and Technology, Faculty of Fine Arts
Languages Familiar to Author
Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Italian
URL where full thesis can be found
Precariousness, art, labour market, economic activity, artistic practice, aesthetics of precariousness
Abstract: 200-500 words
A sheer interdisciplinary will motivated me to elaborate on this thesis that mainly tackles the problem of precarious labor in the field of art. I gathered very diverse structural materials from philosophy, politics, sociology, economics, and art to propose their confluence in a superstructure. To refer to the latter, I used the term collage, which describes both the technique and the outcome of a juxtaposition of significant elements, which can efficiently be used in all stages of qualitative research. A collage is an artistic technique distinctive of modern art, which consists in the assembling of a diversity of elements to obtain a unified whole. It offered me the opportunity to propose this study, which is composed of six distinctive parts. These parts maintain relations of interdependence among themselves, in the whole submitted as a thesis but, at the same time, this superstructure provides some independence to each of the parts, which maintain their infrastructural features and their particular theoretical frameworks, methodologies, objectives, and hypotheses. However, in this research, I supported the central assumption that, despite the value society and institutions attach to art, the vast majority of people who perform a professional artistic activity do not receive a fair or balanced compensation, which allows them to lead a dignified life. Besides, I focused on two fundamental objectives; 1) to obtain quantifiable empirical evidence to account for the precarious situation that characterizes a majority of contemporary artists in Spain and the Basque Country, and 2) to locate and produce artistic proposals that offer appropriate questions or answers to the subject matter proposed.