
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
SOLS: reactive audio display of transduced sound frequencies of the celestial bodies of the solar system
Gabriele Mullis
2nd Author
3rd Author
Master's Degree
Number of Pages
Università degli studi di Udine
Thesis Supervisor
Pier Luigi Capucci
Supervisor e-mail
pierluigi.capucci AT
Other Supervisor(s)
Paolo Atzori
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
Interaction Design
Languages Familiar to Author
English, Italian (both mothertongue)
URL where full thesis can be found
sounds of space, audio transduction
Abstract: 200-500 words
The SOLS project, in short for SOLar System, aims to deliver a platform to collect and show the various sounds of the Solar System that are hidden from us due to our hearing limitations. These frequencies vary from magnetic interactions to atmospheric sound samples, that placed all together create a better understanding of a planets activity. The first part of the paper goes into detail about the frequencies and there origins, describing the insturments used aboard the probe and how the frequency was collected and the events or anomalies it encountered during its mission. The second part of the paper is dedicated to the objectives the SOLS projects wants to fufill. These objectives are two: 1) The creation of a platform capable of putting together all audio samples/frequencies that originate from true, reliable sources and display these unknown sounds to the public. 2) Join the audio reactive visualization with the educational and cultural context in a exhibition format. The final part of the paper goes into detail about the audio visualization itself, documenting the inspiring projects that lead to the design of SOLS and the programming/modelling procedures used.