
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Expanded (Im)materialities: A Postmedial and Neomaterial Discussion on the Collection and Preservation of Media Arts
C. Rodrigo Guzman Serrano
2nd Author
3rd Author
Master of Arts in Media Arts Cultures
Number of Pages
Danube University Krems
Thesis Supervisor
Prof. Dr. Oliver Grau
Supervisor e-mail
oliver.grau AT
Other Supervisor(s)
Dr. Harald Kraemer
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
Image Science / Media Arts Cultures
Languages Familiar to Author
English, Spanish, German
URL where full thesis can be found
media art collection; media art preservation; materiality in media art; medium
Abstract: 200-500 words
Digital technologies have significantly changed the practices of museums, cultural institutions, libraries, and archives. However, although many museums have adopted digital media in one way or another, few actively collect and preserve media art. This thesis explores the challenges associated with the collection, presentation, and preservation of technological and digital arts. In particular, it focuses on the different strategies that institutions, artists, and art practitioners in general have developed in order to integrate media art into the circuit of museums and art collections as well as the specific methods they implement to ensure the proper care and preservation of media artworks. Furthermore, it also explores the role that artists play regarding the documentation and conservation of media art, as well as the shared responsibilities that this emerging discipline demands. In order to approach these issues, this study emphasizes the material and immaterial, as well as medial dimensions of media art, by drawing from discussions around the concept of medium in art, Rosalind Krauss’s postmedium condition, and Christiane Paul’s notion of neomateriality. Case studies include the practices of artists such as Antoni Muntadas, Igor Štromajer, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer and, in particular, Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau. The minimal presence of media art at major museums and cultural institutions impacts the proper contextualization, categorization, and appreciation of media art. This thesis explores the state of media art preservation and collection, while also offering a theoretical discussion on the material and immaterial conditions of media art.