
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
The learning observed by Maria Sibylla Merian: contributions to the learning of the insects mediated by technology of information and communication
Elaine Ferreira Machado
2nd Author
Awdry Feisser Miquelin
3rd Author
master´s degree
Number of Pages
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
Thesis Supervisor
Awdry Feisser Miquelin
Supervisor e-mail
awdry AT
Other Supervisor(s)
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
Languages Familiar to Author
English; Spanish
URL where full thesis can be found
Maria Sibylla Merian; teaching insects; virtual insectarium; mediation of the TIC.
Abstract: 200-500 words
This thesis presents a qualitative research exploring as the way observed by Maria Sibylla Merian (1647 – 1717) that can contribute to the learning of Biology, more especifically of a fundamental grupo of mobster for a maintance ofan equilibrium: the insects by the mediation of smartphones and Instagram. It was about an action research developed information in reflexive spiral with students of a public school, located in Curitiba - PR metropolitan zone. The main objective of the research was investigate the study methods contributions of Maria Sibylla Merian, renaissence artist and scientist, to the teaching and learning the insects with a collective built of a virtual insectarium mediated by TIC. In the way of the research,it was investigate the history and the philosophy about Merian’s works in study of insects and with smartphones and Instagram, it developed with students of basic school a technology experience able of empower the mediation of the TIC. It was made in the research the following stages: development of a built of a “ guide insectarium “ with the second grade of high school students, the recording classes in audio, classes annotation in a field diary and a final questionnaire. After the results, as if it is an action research with own methodology characteristics, we discussed the process realized according to suggest the reflective self-spiral. The history and the philosophy about Maria Sibylla Merianfound the planning of the didactic sequences with intention of the collectively built a virtual insectarium. These sequences were elaborated following the pedagogics moments offered by Demétrio Delizoicov, José André Angotti and Marta Maria Pernambuco: questioning, learning organization and learning aplication in a questioning methodology and a proposal dialogic by Paulo Freire and found in a complexity and rationality of the Knowledge of the Edgar Morin, Jean Ladriere, Jacques Ardoino beyond of Neil Postman and C. P. Snow as referencial of the TIC. The dates were categorized according with the investigate head office. The results present that the works Maria Sibylla Merian takes to a relation of the teaching and learning insects, contribute significantly to the appropriation of the learning these living being by students, allowing them a look at the science and art and even discuss the role of TIC in basic school. We concluded that the “construction of a virtual guide of an insectarium”, it provides differential work in Biology classes and that offered enjoyable art and science works and the TIC are possible in classes, in a dialogics relationchip, problematization and the complexity of Knowledges.