
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Extrasolar nebulization - Transmedia time capsule for an artistic exploration of space travels and hyperspace
Ludwig Pasenau
2nd Author
3rd Author
Number of Pages
Université de Toulouse
Thesis Supervisor
Christine Buignet
Supervisor e-mail
Other Supervisor(s)
Yves Gourinat
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
Laboratoire Lettres Langages et Arts, LLA-CREATIS E.D. Aéronautique et Astronautique / E.D. Arts, Lettres, Langues, Philosophie, Communication
Languages Familiar to Author
URL where full thesis can be found
hyperspace – art – astronautics – deep space – time capsule – transmedia – nebulization – dark image – ecosystem – climate – extrasolar fiction – topology – cosmos – foam
Abstract: 200-500 words
This study develops an ecosystem of works that aims at generating transformations within the framework of future deep space missions. This ecosystem may concern the transformation of the physical atmosphere as well as the human (individual, intersubjective and symbolic) dimension of these travels. The working hypothesis considered here is based on future missions targeting Mars, distant moons, Lagrangian points or other interplanetary destinations – for extended stays in spacecrafts and planetary, lunar and orbital stations or bases. In order to better understand this variety of explorations of the cosmos, its implication as well as its potential in terms of experience and artistic creation, this research first seeks to explore the relationships between hyperobjects and hyperspace, before probing the effects of a possible loop circulation emerging from the artistic project, which is developed to interact with diverse deep-space situations, space analogues, testbeds and underwater habitats on the planet. Entitled Dark foam, this project explores through the proposal of a time capsule for future cosmonauts the transitions between objects, hyperobjects and hyperspace, as well as its possible relations to the notions of dispositif, abstract machine, climate, transmedia, outdoors and Fiction Hors Science (fiction beyond science). This time capsule suggests a series of artistic experiences (film, exoclimate, bioluminescent environment, lightworks, sensorial experiences, script, log, sonic pieces) based on an extrasolar fiction: Swimming the rings of a gas hypergiant. This fiction develops a common expedition from Earth to space, it draws on an extrasolar imaginaire whose content and modes of existence and activation could propose new directions for future art and space research and cosmonaut-artist collaboration. This project is conceived to enhance – through a series of nebulizations and by the establishment of a field of planet-space loops – the spatial sensibility both experienced and generated by a future inhabited mission. By questioning the role and status of both art and space exploration, this project could lead to the reformulation of our position in space and hyperspace, our view of the atmosphere and our relationship to the cosmic environment. The image of this relationship is defined as dark, being the product of a speculative topology – a foam topology that underlies the development of the artistic project. This time capsule is an evolving project that can contribute to foster the design and preparation of a future mission, that can be embarked by a cosmonaut for direct experimentation, that can be tested within specific space analogs and generate various thought and artistic experiments on the planet.