
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Blovels, Twovels and Cell Phone Novels: Bridges to Literature or Roads to Nowhere?
Kathleen S. Wilson
2nd Author
3rd Author
Number of Pages
Vermont College of Fine Arts
Thesis Supervisor
Louise Hawes
Supervisor e-mail
lhawes1 AT
Other Supervisor(s)
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
Creative Writing
Languages Familiar to Author
URL where full thesis can be found
Digital Literature, Cell Phone Novels, History of Literature, Digital Fiction, Digital Serials, Epistolary Narratives, Episodic Digital Novels, Blog Novels, Twitter Novels, Fiction for Networked Devices
Abstract: 200-500 words
In 2002 a writer in Japan, pen-named Yoshi, self-published the first novel known to have been composed on a cell phone. It sold a hundred thousand copies, mostly to young women in their teens and early twenties. Japanese publisher, Starts Publishing, took notice, picked it up, and turned it into a series of novels that eventually sold 2.6 million copies. This craze spread quickly throughout Asia, particularly to China and Korea, as well as to Africa and India. By 2010, it was just beginning to gain traction in the United States where the tools of choice were not cell phones, but social networking and blog sites, such as Twitter and Wordpress. While their popularity could not be denied, the literary value of cell phone novels was hotly debated in Japan. Critics around the globe have since analyzed the phenomenon and what it means for the future of reading and writing. This paper examines the origins and cultural context of cell phone novels in Japan and considers the literary value of emerging forms of digital fiction worldwide by reviewing a sampling of novels written and read on networked digital devices and by exploring trends in the academic and publishing communities that point to the relevance of this phenomenon to writers for children and young adults.