
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Artistic practices on mobile screens : the creation of a programming language
Dominique Cunin
2nd Author
3rd Author
Number of Pages
Paris 8
Thesis Supervisor
Jean-Louis Boissier
Supervisor e-mail
Other Supervisor(s)
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
Esthetic, sciences and technologies of the arts
Languages Familiar to Author
French, English, Japanese
URL where full thesis can be found
Interactivity, digital technology art, mobile screen, programming, software architecture, dispositif, Mobilizing.
Abstract: 200-500 words
Throughout its evolution, the computer never stopped allowing media consultation as well as media creation. Unlike the consultation activity, the creation of interactive software requires some computer programming skills, as it remains the only way to produce programs that acts on a digital machine. In this context, artistic practices involved in the creation of interactive works cannot avoid the use of computer programming and the creation of software. But what circumstances artists are facing when then work with digital technologies and software programming? This question, which has multiple answers, gain in importance when the landscape of massively produced digital devices experiences a major event. Our research is the result of such a situation: starting in 2007, the emergence of mobile screens (smartphones and tablets) was an opportunity to examine the potential of these new digital devices in the field of interactive arts. Our purpose was to create effective art works with mobile screens to be able to define their aesthetic and technical specificities at the very time of their introduction into our daily lives. We try to situate some interactive art practices that mobile screens makes possible thanks to their technical specifications. Our base hypothesis is that mobile screens allow the creation of interactive art work that other digital media cannot afford, but also require the creation of specifics softwares.