
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Executing Liveness: An examination of the live dimension of code inter-actions in software (art) practice
Winnie Soon
2nd Author
3rd Author
Number of Pages
Aarhus University
Thesis Supervisor
Dr. Geoff Cox
Supervisor e-mail
gcox AT
Other Supervisor(s)
Prof Jane Prophet and Dr. Christian Ulrik Andersen
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
Software Studies
Languages Familiar to Author
URL where full thesis can be found
software; art; culture; liveness
Abstract: 200-500 words
With today’s prevalence of technology enormous quantities of data are generated and disseminated in real-time through a highly networked, programmable and distributed environment. Networks of machines and the circulation of data mediate our sense of time. The sensation of ‘liveness’ is deeply reconfigured by complex technological infrastructures behind ubiquitous screens and interfaces. This thesis explores how real-time computation reconfigures this immanent sense of liveness, specifically in relation to contemporary software art and culture. By focusing on the live dimension of code inter-actions this thesis examines the complexity of our current computational environment as evident in the increasing use of data queries, the instantaneous transmission of data streams and the seamless running of automated agents. By drawing together the methods of reflexive practice, close reading, iterative trials and cold gazing in the fields of artistic research, critical code studies, software studies and media archaeology respectively, this thesis presents three artistic and experimental projects together with the written manuscript. Together they examine barely visible code operations and consider the cultural implications of the reading, writing, running and execution of code, which I refer to as ‘reflexive coding practice.’ This methodology provides an applied approach to computational processes, invisible architectures and a means to reflect on cultural issues through experimentation and practice. A materialist framework for liveness is presented with the use of three main vectors, namely: unpredictability, micro-temporality and automation. This facilitates the unfolding of the assemblages of things and relations that have emerged through the inter-actions of code across various computational layers at multiple scales. The analysis and discussion contributes to a widening of critical attention to software (art) studies primarily in terms of its distinct focus on the live dimension of code. Furthermore, it expands the debate in media and performance studies, providing technical description and analysis in relation to the concept of liveness. In overall terms, the research contributes to our understanding of software by expanding our understanding of liveness in contemporary culture. This includes a nuanced examination of liveness beyond immediate human reception.