
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Transformation of Art and Science within the Context of Subjectivity and Objectivity in the Postmodern Period
Enis Âli Yurtsever
2nd Author
3rd Author
Master of Arts
Number of Pages
Istanbul Yildiz Technical University
Thesis Supervisor
Zerrin Iren Boynudelik
Supervisor e-mail
Other Supervisor(s)
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
Art and Design
Languages Familiar to Author
URL where full thesis can be found
Objectivity, subjectivity, Inter-subjectivity, Science, New Genre Public Art, Modernity, Postmodernism.
Abstract: 200-500 words
The scientific and artistic discourses of Modernity engender power structures that are based on the dichotomy of objectivity versus subjectivity. The tradition of modern art glorifies the subjectivity of the artist; it produces the myth of the “creative genius”, and bestows an indisputable power on the artist, the power of art based upon her/his birthright to subjective self-expression. The tradition of modern science, on the other hand, promotes an absolute adherence to objectivity as the only legitimate method to acquire the knowledge of things as they really are. The disinterestedness, anonymity, super-impartiality, and universality associated with the objective knowledge secure the consensual recognition of science’s authority. The principle of objectivity is sacrosanct for the modernist science, as the subjectivity of the artist is sacred for the modernist art. Since 1970s, however, the respective principles of objectivity and subjectivity of modern science and art have been undergoing a postmodern transformational process. While the scientific discourse is being reshaped to accommodate subjective sensuous experiences within the scope of scientific research, the artists of various contemporary disciplines such as the new genre public art are willingly sharing their control, authorship and responsibilities over their artworks with their collaborators, who actively take part in the creative process. By tracking such radical changes that are taking place in contemporary arts and sciences and analyzing them comparatively within the context of subjectivity versus objectivity, this study examines the major paradigm shift that is now emerging in both disciplines.