
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Potentials of data sonification in visual art: Sonifying the compArt database
Tobias Hildebrandt
2nd Author
3rd Author
Number of Pages
University of Bremen
Thesis Supervisor
Prof. Dr. Frieder Nake
Supervisor e-mail
nake AT
Other Supervisor(s)
Prof. Dr. Andrea Sick
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
Computer Science/Digital Media
Languages Familiar to Author
English, German, Spanish
URL where full thesis can be found
Data sonification, sonification, auditory display, art history, computer art, parameterized earcon, auditory icon
Abstract: 200-500 words
Besides the usage of visual means to present large sets of data, there is a growing amount of research that proposes to use sonic means for this purpose. This research area is known under the terms “data sonification”, auditory display or just sonification. Most research in the area of sonification bases on data from the natural sciences or economics as application fields. There are however areas where little or no research has been conducted yet, one example is the field of humanities. Even less research has been done in the sub-field of art history. It seems very likely that data from this domain is structurally different from the scientific data used in the majority of sonification research. If this prior proposition proves true, the assumption would be justified that other techniques of sonification might be beneficial for art historical data than for other kind of data. Therefore this paper tries to find out which techniques and methods of sonification are especially suitable to tap the full potential of sonification in this application field. This is being done by using the compArt database for early computer art as a basis for a prototype of an interactive GUI-based data sonification. After theoretically finding out the data structures of art historical data, the different sonification techniques are being evaluated in terms of their ability to present these data structures. A literature review finds out if similar data has already been sonified and how. An interactive GUI-based prototype has been developed on the basis of this research to verify the suitability of the proposed methods and techniques. This prototype bases on the sonification technique “parameterized earcons” with the outcome that, however with restrictions, the proposed methods are suitable to sonify data from the domain of art history. However it is suggested to conduct further experimentation using “parameterized auditory icons” to find out if this technique yields even better results.