
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Music of the Spheres – From Prototyping to Product Realization
Matti Luhtala
2nd Author
3rd Author
MA in Sound in New Media
Number of Pages
Aalto University, School of Art and Design, Department of Media, Media Lab
Thesis Supervisor
Antti Ikonen
Supervisor e-mail
antti.ikonen AT
Other Supervisor(s)
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
Department of Media, New Media
Languages Familiar to Author
English, Finnish
URL where full thesis can be found
Sound in new Media, sound design, audiovisual play environments, user-centered product development, audiovisual interfaces, tangible interfaces, embedded systems, prototyping, experimenting.
Abstract: 200-500 words
Music of the Spheres allows multiple users of all ages to play and interact simultaneously. The interactive environment consists of a tabletop projection screen and external speakers that present dynamic multimedia when producing music and sounds. Users can interact with the system using different geometric shaped blocks as tangible interfaces. The written part reflects the background research, prototyping and realization outcomes to existing interaction design, prototyping and embodied design paradigms. I interpret the outcomes from a sound designer’s point of view. In the Music of the Spheres project I have collaborated with professionals from different design fields. I have had the possibility to learn and share my knowledge with industrial designers, carpenters, glass masters, pedagogues, historians and electronic engineers. In this way, I hope this thesis contributes to the cross-disciplinary design discussion in the field of interactive sound design. In addition, design solutions related to building a low-cost audiovisual multi-touch environment are presented. By familiarizing oneself with this thesis, the reader can expect to gain a good understanding of employing one tested approach for building a functional multi-touch environment.