
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
I Mirabilia, taking care of the emotional life of hospitalized children
Erika Rossi
2nd Author
Philip Tabor
3rd Author
Gillian Crampton Smith
Visual and Multimedia communication
Number of Pages
Iuav University of Venice
Thesis Supervisor
Philip Tabor
Supervisor e-mail
ptabor AT
Other Supervisor(s)
Gillian Crampton Smith
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
Interaction Design
Languages Familiar to Author
Italian, English, Spanish
URL where full thesis can be found
Interactive dolls, emotional life, hospitalized children, psychology
Abstract: 200-500 words
I Mirabilia (“The Wonders”) are a family of three interactive dolls for hospitalized children. These dolls, through different interactions and behaviors, would allow children to improve their relationships with other people inside the hospital such as doctors, psychologists and other hospitalized children. The main aim of existing projects is basically to improve the relationships between the child and external stakeholders such as family, classmates and teachers, without considering the relationships and emotional states of children in their everyday life. The concept is based on a set of dolls, more physical and direct than screen applications, each providing for the different emotional needs that children with terminal or chronic illnesses often have but don’t easily show. I Mirabilia have a funny and weird aspect and are for a wide range of ages of 6–12 years, because they are suitable for different periods of childhood and hospitalization. Using non invasive interactions and intimate contexts of use, I Mirabilia offer a playful emotional support for hospitalized children, making the work of doctors, psychologists, nurses and all those who take care of the psychological aspects of children easier. The thesis explores the existing projects based on this topic, recounts the creation of the idea and its development on three relational levels through designs and prototypes and describes the interactions and the results obtained from interviews at a hospital.