
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Dynamic Variations
Frederick H. Leighton
2nd Author
3rd Author
Number of Pages
Savannah College of Art and Design
Thesis Supervisor
SuAnne Fu
Supervisor e-mail
sfu AT
Other Supervisor(s)
Matthew Akers, Alessandro Imperato
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
Interactive Design and Game Development
Languages Familiar to Author
URL where full thesis can be found
Visual Music, Expanded Cinema, Flash, MIDI, Performance, Jordan Belson, Oskar Fischinger, Thomas Wilfred, John Whitney, James Whitney, Alexander Rimington, Louis-Bertrand Castel, Mary Ellen Bute
Abstract: 200-500 words
Dynamic Variations - an Extended Artist Statement Introduction: Visual Music was the title of a 2005 exhibition at the Los Angeles Contemporary Art Museum and Hirshhorn Museum in Washington D.C. which brought together several different currents of theory and practice. One area of history includes scientists and inventor/artists who have sought to create art based on a direct scientific, or physical connection between color theory and music theory. These ideas date back to the writings of Aristotle who drew a correlation between the numerical ratios of color and the "concords" of music. Another area of development focused on visual styles and performance techniques which were influenced by music and in many cases included sound, but were the result of artistic interpretation rather than proving scientific theory, although some practitioners developed artistic theories to the degree of a scientific treatise, setting down their ideas and concepts in extensive writings. My thesis exhibition Dynamic Variations features a computer system designed for the performance of real-time animation with Flash and accompanying sound. I created three pieces for performance with the system and two automated compositions. The system is composed of control devices: MIDI controllers and a game controller, which act as the user interface for software running on a computer system. An LCD projector is attached to the computer for projecting the computer screen to a larger screen and sound is output to a sound system. In exploring this work, I built on a tradition of inventors and artists who have created instruments for performing color compositions since the experiments of Father Louis-Bertrand Castel in 1735. I was also influenced by the work of experimental filmmakers who have sought to fuse sound and abstract animation into one experience using a variety of techniques and means of expression. Although I am using modern-day technologies and equipment, my performance concepts and aesthetic concerns are informed by my exploring these artists' theories AND WORK . TO complete the thesis exhibition successfully, I employed skills learned IN graduate courses AND incorporated concepts generated FROM researching art history AND theory.Together, these skills AND studies have allowed me TO CREATE the thesis works AND form a base FROM which TO CONTINUE future exploration IN this area. IN this paper, I will discuss the history OF artists IN this area, compare AND contrast the technical AND aesthetic aspects OF my exhibition pieces TO relevant examples OF their theories AND WORK, AND give a detailed account OF the technical aspects OF my thesis exhibition.I will also discuss future directions I am interested IN pursuing.