
Thesis Info

Thesis Title
Cartographies of the Identity: six itineraries to reflect about artistic and communicative practices in the digital era
Gemma San Cornelio Esquerdo
2nd Author
3rd Author
Phd Audiovisual Communication Program
Number of Pages
Polytechnic University of Valencia
Thesis Supervisor
Eulalia Adelantado Mateu
Supervisor e-mail
Other Supervisor(s)
Language(s) of Thesis
Department / Discipline
Audiovisual Communication, Documentation and Art History
Languages Familiar to Author
spanish / catalan /english
URL where full thesis can be found
Internet, identity, subject, art, autobiography, portrait, mask,, digital art, monster
Abstract: 200-500 words
The Internet is promoting new ways of interpersonal communication and relationship in a sense that the user’s identity is not only necessary but definitive. More over, the way in which artists are using and developing this new media, makes us reflect about some concepts and processes dealing with the use of identity and the representation of the subject. We analyse different artistic mediums, included the web itself as a medium, to construct some interdisciplinary itineraries related all of them to the concept of identity. Divided in six parts, this thesis evokes those travelling books of the ninetieth century, where the traveller’s own experience guided the exploration of those new worlds. Each one of the sections, implies a suggestion, a proposed route in order to examine the different questions treated: portraiture as representation of the self (Itinerary towards the representation of the self), the definition of freak as a different person and its implications (The routes of the wired thing: monstrosity), the use of masquerades pretending to be “other” (Itinerary through different mediums: masks and artifices), autobiographic experience (The paths of the own experience)the relationship between human and technology (The meeting with the artificial other) and, to end with, the identity involving communication and art on the Internet (Navigation cards: communication, identity and art in the Internet).